solve for x


x= -2
x= -2/7
x= -2/19
x= 2/7

I have no I idea how to answer this question. Can you give me an explanation with the answer?

Thank you

is it 2?

Well, it's very easy to check your answer. Does it satisfy the equation?

-6(2) + 12 ?=? -13(2)+10
-12 + 12 ?=? -26+10
0 ?=? -16
Just a tip: your answer is not even one of the choices!

try this. Collect x stuff on one side, numbers on the other:

-6x+12 = -13x+10
-6x+13x = 10-12
7x = -2
x = -2/7

Of course! Solving the equation -6x + 12 = -13x + 10 involves the process of isolating the variable x on one side of the equation. Here's a step-by-step explanation on how to solve it:

Step 1: Start by simplifying both sides of the equation. Combine like terms on each side.

On the left side: -6x + 12
On the right side: -13x + 10

Step 2: To simplify the left side, you can't combine -6x and 12 because they have different variables. So, just keep it as -6x + 12.

Step 3: Similarly, the right side remains as -13x + 10.

The equation becomes: -6x + 12 = -13x + 10

Step 4: Now, let's aim to get all the x terms on one side of the equation. To do this, we'll start by moving the -13x term to the left side by adding 13x to both sides:

-6x + 12 + 13x = -13x + 10 + 13x

Simplifying this equation gives us: 7x + 12 = 10

Step 5: Next, we'll get rid of the constant term 12 on the left side by subtracting 12 from both sides:

7x + 12 - 12 = 10 - 12

This gives us: 7x = -2

Step 6: Finally, we'll solve for x by isolating the variable. Divide both sides of the equation by 7:

(7x)/7 = (-2)/7

Simplifying this equation gives us: x = -2/7

Therefore, the value of x that satisfies the original equation -6x + 12 = -13x + 10 is x = -2/7.

I hope this explanation helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.