Explain knowing that 5 divide by 8 equals 0.625 helps you write the decimal for 4 5/8 ps . I really don't get it .

5/8 indicates 5 divided by 8 = .625.

Therefore 4 5/8 = 4.625.


is donald trup ugly

To understand how knowing that 5 divided by 8 equals 0.625 helps you write the decimal for 4 5/8, let's break it down step by step:

Step 1: Understand the Fraction
First, let's analyze the original fraction, which is 4 5/8. This is what we call a mixed number because it consists of a whole number (4) and a fraction (5/8). The fraction part represents how many parts of the whole are being considered.

Step 2: Convert the Whole Number to a Fraction
To convert the whole number (4) into a fraction, we need to write it over the denominator. The denominator tells us how many equal parts make up the whole, and in this case, it is 8. So, the fraction equivalent of the whole number 4 is 4/1.

Step 3: Add the Two Fractions
Now, we need to add the two fractions together. To do this, we need a common denominator for 5/8 and 4/1. In this case, we can use 8 as the common denominator because it is already the denominator for 5/8.

When we convert 4/1 into a fraction with a denominator of 8, we get 32/8. Adding this to 5/8, we have:
5/8 + 32/8 = 37/8

Step 4: Convert the Fraction to a Decimal
To convert the fraction 37/8 to a decimal, we need to divide the numerator (37) by the denominator (8).

37 รท 8 = 4.625

Step 5: Interpret the Decimal
The decimal equivalent of the fraction 37/8 is 4.625. Now, this is where knowing that 5 divided by 8 equals 0.625 helps.

Since the fraction 5/8 in the original mixed number contributed to the decimal 0.625, when we convert 4 5/8 to a decimal, we know that the fraction part (5/8) will equal 0.625. Therefore, the decimal for 4 5/8 is 4.625.

By understanding the concepts of fractions, converting to a common denominator, and dividing fractions, we can accurately write the decimal representation of mixed numbers.