is this a good thesis statement for a paper i have to write about changes in the us from 1776 to 1870? "while we are still not a perfect country, political,social and economical changes are shaping up out country" is it ok or is there anything i can do to make it better?

The LEO website advises students to write a controversial thesis sentence.

You've just stated a fact.

Were these changes all good? Were they all bad? Were there disadvantages to these changes?

Also you don't want to use the present tense. You're writing about a period that ended over 140 years ago.

how do i make mine better though

Please don't post again unless you can show some indication that you've heeded my advice and studied the website I posted.

Your thesis statement is a good starting point, but it can be further improved to provide a clearer and more specific focus for your paper. Here's a modified version:

"From 1776 to 1870, the United States experienced profound political, social, and economic transformations that helped shape the nation's trajectory, although lingering imperfections persisted."

This revised thesis statement maintains the core idea of your original statement while adding specificity about the time period and emphasizing the transformative nature of the changes. Additionally, it acknowledges that the country was not perfect, allowing for potential exploration of both progress and challenges during this era.