how many covalent bonds are there in methane molecule

well, since you have CH4

what would be your best guess? Where are the bonds?

4 covalent bonds. The formula of methane is CH4, and the covalent bonds are shared between Carbon (central atom) and the four Hydrogen atoms.

In a methane (CH4) molecule, there are a total of four covalent bonds. Each hydrogen atom forms a covalent bond with the central carbon atom, resulting in four covalent bonds in methane.

To determine the number of covalent bonds in a methane molecule (CH4), you need to understand the structure of the molecule and its bonding pattern.

Methane consists of one carbon (C) atom and four hydrogen (H) atoms. Carbon has four valence electrons, while hydrogen has one valence electron. To form methane, carbon shares one electron with each of the four hydrogen atoms.

Now, to calculate the number of covalent bonds, we need to count the number of shared electron pairs.

Each covalent bond consists of one shared electron pair. In the case of methane, each of the four hydrogen atoms shares one electron with carbon, resulting in four shared electron pairs.

Therefore, there are four covalent bonds in a methane molecule.