calr graded project, how do you formulate two queries?

To formulate two queries for a graded project, you can follow these steps:

1. Understand the purpose of your project: Start by identifying the goal or objective of your project. What specific information or insights are you trying to find through your queries? This will help you focus on the right questions to ask.

2. Break down your research question: Once you have a clear objective, break down your research question into smaller parts or sub-questions. This will help you address different aspects or angles of your topic.

3. Identify keywords: Identify the keywords or key phrases related to your research question. These are the essential terms that will be used in your queries to retrieve relevant information.

4. Choose the appropriate search engine/tool: Decide which search engine or tool you will use to find the information you need. It could be Google, Bing, a specialized database, or software specific to your project requirements.

5. Write the first query: Use the identified keywords and sub-questions to form your first query. Make sure to use appropriate syntax and operators if necessary. For example, if you want to search for exact phrases, you can enclose them in quotation marks.

6. Revise and refine the first query: After writing the first query, evaluate it to see if it effectively captures the information you seek. Consider adjusting or refining the query to produce more accurate and relevant results.

7. Formulate the second query: Now, based on the same keywords and sub-questions, formulate a second query that explores a different aspect of your research question. This will help you gather a diverse range of information and perspectives for your project.

8. Test and iterate: Test your queries by running them with the chosen search engine or tool. Examine the search results and evaluate if they meet your requirements. If needed, iterate and modify your queries to improve the results.

9. Documentation: Finally, document your queries, including the search terms used, any modifications made, and the search engine/tool utilized. This documentation will serve as a reference for your project and allow others to understand your research process.

By following these steps, you can formulate two queries effectively and efficiently for your graded project.