For the given dimensions, find the area of each figure. If necessary round to the nearest hundredth.

1.Rectangle with base 4m and height 2cm.
2. Square with side length 3.5 in.
3. Circle with diameter 9cm.

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To find the area of each figure, we can use the following formulas:

1. Area of a rectangle:
Area = length × width

2. Area of a square:
Area = side length × side length

3. Area of a circle:
Area = π × radius^2

Now, let's calculate the area for each figure:

1. Rectangle with base 4m and height 2cm:
Area = 4m × 2cm
Since the units are different, we need to convert them to the same unit. Let's convert cm to m:
2cm = 0.02m
Area = 4m × 0.02m
Area = 0.08m^2 (rounded to two decimal places)

2. Square with side length 3.5in:
Area = 3.5in × 3.5in
Area = 12.25in^2 (rounded to two decimal places)

3. Circle with diameter 9cm:
We need to find the radius first. The radius is half the diameter.
Radius = 9cm / 2
Radius = 4.5cm
Now we can calculate the area using the formula for a circle:
Area = π × radius^2
Area = 3.14 × (4.5cm)^2
Area = 63.585cm^2 (rounded to two decimal places)

So, the areas of the given figures are:
1. Rectangle: 0.08m^2
2. Square: 12.25in^2
3. Circle: 63.59cm^2

To find the area of each figure, you will use different formulas based on the shape. Let's go through each figure one by one:

1. Rectangle:
The formula to find the area of a rectangle is: Area = length x width.
In this question, the base is given as 4m and the height as 2cm. However, we need to ensure that the units are the same, so let's convert both to the same unit - meters.
1 cm = 0.01 m
So, the height is 2cm = 2 x 0.01 m = 0.02 m.
Now we can calculate the area:
Area = 4m x 0.02m = 0.08 m²

2. Square:
The formula to find the area of a square is: Area = side length².
In this question, the side length is given as 3.5in. To find the area, simply square the side length:
Area = (3.5in)² = 3.5in x 3.5in = 12.25 in²

3. Circle:
The formula to find the area of a circle is: Area = π(radius)².
In this question, the diameter is given as 9cm. To find the radius, divide the diameter by 2:
Radius = 9cm / 2 = 4.5cm.
Now we can calculate the area using the formula:
Area = π(4.5cm)²
However, keep in mind that π is a mathematical constant approximately equal to 3.14159. So, calculating the area:
Area ≈ 3.14159 x (4.5cm)² ≈ 3.14159 x 20.25cm² ≈ 63.61747 cm² ≈ 63.62 cm² (rounded to the nearest hundredth).

So, to summarize:
1. Rectangle: 0.08 m²
2. Square: 12.25 in²
3. Circle: 63.62 cm²

1. A = 400cm * 2cm = 800 cm^2.

2. A = (3.5^2) =

3. A = pi*r^2 = 3.14 * (9/2)^2 =