The radius needed to create a sphere with a given volume V can be approximated by the equation r = 0.62(V)1/3. Find the radius of a sphere with a volume of 216 cubic meters. Round the answer to the nearest hundredth.

r = .62(216)^1/3

r = .62(216)^1/3

r = .62*6 = 3.72

To find the radius of a sphere with a given volume V, we can use the formula:

r = 0.62(V)^(1/3)

We are given that the volume, V, is 216 cubic meters. Plugging this value into the formula, we can find the radius.

r = 0.62(216)^(1/3)

Calculating the cube root of 216:

r = 0.62(6)

r = 3.72

Rounding to the nearest hundredth, the radius of the sphere with a volume of 216 cubic meters is approximately 3.72 meters.