1. Sí, sus padres ________ ; Ramón no debe ir a la escuela.

A. está enfermo
B. tienen razón
C. son amables
D. viven cerca de aquí
I said B

2. ¿Prefieren Uds. una casa pequeña o una casa grande?
_______ una casa grande.
A. Prefiero
B. Prefieres
C. Prefieren
D. Preferimos
I said A

3. ¿Dónde _______?
Vivo en Minneapolis.
A. vives
B. vivo
C. viven
D. vivimos
I said B

4. No podemos ni leer ni ver bien en este cuarto por la noche. Vamos a comprar _______.
A. una aspiradora
B. una cómoda
C. otra lámpara
D. un espejo
I said C

5. Mi hermana y yo arreglamos ______ dormitorio los sábados
A. nuestros
B. nuestras
C. nuestra
D. nuestro
I said A

6. Puedo comer el almuerzo en casa porque vivo _______ la escuela.
A. cerca
B. cerca de
C. lejos
D. lejos de
I said A

7. ¿Quién hace tu cama?
Pues, yo ________.
A. no hago nada
B. lo hago
C. la hago
D. me gusta hacer
I said B

8. Después de quitar la mesa, ___________.
A. vamos a lavar los platos
B. los platos están limpios
C. ponemos la mesa también
D. no arreglamos la casa
I said A

9. Yo no _______ con mi madre. Ella prefiere ir sola a la playa; yo prefiero ir con mis amigas.
A. tengo razón
B. pongo
C. estoy de acuerdo
D. corto el césped
I said C

10. Eduardo tiene ________ lavar las ventanas este fin de semana.
A. a
B. de
C. que
D. para
I said A

11. No me siento bien
A. ¿Cómo está?
B. ¿ Qué pasa?
C. ¿ Por qué te duele?
D. ¿ Cómo te sientes?
I said C

12. Quiero ir a la ________; no me siento bien.
A. gripe
B. fiebre
C. enfermería
D. dentista
I said C

13. Somos deportistas; ______ todos los días.
A. le gusta hacer ejercicio
B. está bien
C. no estamos bien
D. hacemos ejercicio
I said D

14. Mi gato y mi perro _____ en mi cama.
A. duermes
B. duermen
C. dormís
D. dormimos
I said D

15. ________ le duelen mucho las piernas.
A. Ernesto
B. A los muchachos
C. A Pablo
D. El joven
I said A

16. ¿Qué pasa? ¿Te duele algo?
Sí, todo el ____________
A. cuerpo
B. dolor
C. hombre
D. ejercicio
I said A

17. El doctor Sánchez no es medico. Creo que es __________.
A. profesora
B. médica
C. directora
D. dentista
I said D

18. ¿Cómo te sientes hoy?
Hoy me siento ______ y pienso ir a la clínica a las dos.
A. peor
B. mejor
C. bien
D. menor
I said A

19. ¿Es mejor vivir e el campo o en el ciudad?
Pues, _______ es mejor vivir en el campo.
A. creo
B. creo que
C. me siento
D. me lastimé
I said B

20. Doctor Pérez, me duele mucho la pierna. ¡Ay!
Miguel, ¿te duele _______________ ?
A. la derecha o la izquierda
B. el derecho o el izquierda
C. la morada o la rosada
D. la quinta o la séptima
I said A

21. ¿Dónde está el zoológico?
A. Está en la farmacia
B. Está en la estación del metro
C. Está en el garaje de mi casa
D. Está en la esquina de la Avenida Juárez y la Calle Rivera
I said D

22. Yo tengo doscientos dólares. Mi hermana tiene trescientos. Nosotros tenemos ______.
A. mil dólares
B. quinientos dólares
C. setecientos dólares
D. novecientos dólares
I said B

23. ¿Qué enviaste?
A. Una carta
B. Un correo
C. Una cuadra
D. Un sello
I said A

I'll send this to our Spanish expert, SraJMcGin.

Your first error in #2 is something we have gone over before. You are to answer a question. First of all, note that the verb is PLURAL so the answer must also be PLURAL. 1. Translate = Do you ALL prefer... 2. Answer FIRST in English = We all prefer 3. Now put that into Spanish = Preferimos = B

#3 = Where do YOU live? I live... = A

#5 = It doesn't matter that WE is plural. What matters is "dormitorio" which is singular/masculine. The answer is nuestro = D

#6 = this one has to do with "part of speech" and cerca is an adverb = nearby but cerca de is a preposition = near the school = B

#7 = Here gender got you again! "la cama" is feminine/singular so you need Yo LA hago = C

#10 = wrong preposition = ir + a, but tener + que, acabar de + infinitives. = C

#11 = you chose "Why does it hurt you?" You have no idea WHY I don't feel sell, so the answer is "What's wrong? = B

#14 my cat and dog = WE? No, = THEY sleep = B

#15 = The subject is NOT Ernesto but "legs" and the verb "doler a" tells you TO WHOM the legs hurt = C

#17 = médico needs an accent mark

#19 = e should be "en"

Missing 9 from 23 would NOT be a passing grade! Every time you do Spanish, think of at LEAST 2 things = number (singular or plural)
gender (masculine or feminine)


P.S. I have flagged this response, so I can come back later to see if you have any questions.


1. To answer this question, you need to understand the context. The question is asking what the parents did. You need to choose an option that indicates an action done by the parents that would prevent Ramón from going to school. Option B, "tienen razón," which means "they are right," does not indicate any action. Therefore, it is not the correct answer. The correct answer is A, "está enfermo," which means "he is sick." This indicates that Ramón's parents are sick, and that is why he cannot go to school.

2. To answer this question, you need to express a preference for a big house. You need to choose an option that corresponds to the pronoun "Uds." which means "you all" in English. Option C, "Prefieren," which means "you all prefer," is the correct answer.

3. To answer this question, you need to indicate where the speaker lives. The correct answer is B, "vivo," which means "I live." This option matches the speaker's pronoun and the verb tense.

4. To answer this question, you need to identify an item that would help improve visibility in the room. The correct answer is C, "otra lámpara," which means "another lamp." This option suggests that the speaker should buy an additional lamp to solve the problem.

5. To answer this question, you need to choose the correct possessive pronoun to agree with "dormitorio" (bedroom) in singular form. The correct answer is A, "nuestros," which means "our."

6. To answer this question, you need to choose the correct word to indicate the proximity between the speaker's home and the school. The correct answer is A, "cerca," which means "close." This option correctly expresses that the speaker lives close to the school.

7. To answer this question, you need to choose the correct option to complete the sentence "Pues, yo ________." The correct answer is B, "lo hago," which means "I do it." This option indicates that the speaker makes their bed.

8. To answer this question, you need to choose the correct action that follows after clearing the table. The correct answer is A, "vamos a lavar los platos," which means "we're going to wash the dishes." This option suggests that washing the dishes is the next step after clearing the table.

9. To answer this question, you need to express the speaker's agreement or disagreement with their mother. The correct answer is C, "estoy de acuerdo," which means "I agree." This option indicates that the speaker agrees with their mother's preference for going to the beach alone.

10. To answer this question, you need to identify the correct preposition in the sentence. The correct answer is A, "a," which means "to." This option indicates that Eduardo has to wash the windows.

11. To answer this question, you need to correctly identify the appropriate response to someone not feeling well. The correct answer is D, "¿Cómo te sientes?" which means "How do you feel?" This option reflects concern for the person's well-being.

12. To answer this question, you need to choose the correct location for the speaker to go to when not feeling well. The correct answer is C, "enfermería," which means "nurse's office." This option suggests that the speaker should go to the nurse's office when not feeling well.

13. To answer this question, you need to choose the correct statement about the speaker and their habits. The correct answer is D, "hacemos ejercicio," which means "we exercise." This option correctly reflects that the speaker and others exercise daily.

14. To answer this question, you need to choose the correct verb form to agree with "mi gato y mi perro" (my cat and my dog). The correct answer is D, "dormimos," which means "we sleep." This option correctly agrees with the plural subject.

15. To answer this question, you need to identify the person whose legs hurt. The correct answer is A, "Ernesto," which is a personal name. This option indicates that Ernesto's legs hurt.

16. To answer this question, you need to identify the word that completes the sentence. The correct answer is A, "cuerpo," which means "body." This option correctly indicates that the person's entire body hurts.

17. To answer this question, you need to identify the profession of Doctor Sánchez. The correct answer is D, "dentista," which means "dentist." This option suggests that Doctor Sánchez is not a medical doctor.

18. To answer this question, you need to choose the word that expresses how the speaker feels today. The correct answer is A, "peor," which means "worse." This option reflects that the speaker feels worse and plans to go to the clinic.

19. To answer this question, you need to choose the correct phrase to indicate the speaker's opinion. The correct answer is B, "creo que," which means "I think that." This option suggests that the speaker believes it is better to live in the countryside.

20. To answer this question, you need to choose the correct body part that hurts. The correct answer is A, "la derecha o la izquierda," which means "the right or the left." This option indicates that Miguel is unsure which leg hurts.

21. To answer this question, you need to choose the correct location of the zoo. The correct answer is D, "Está en la esquina de la Avenida Juárez y la Calle Rivera," which means "It is at the corner of Juárez Avenue and Rivera Street." This option correctly describes the location of the zoo.

22. To answer this question, you need to add the amounts of money that the speaker and their sister have. The correct answer is B, "quinientos dólares," which means "five hundred dollars." This option correctly states the combined amount.

23. To answer this question, you need to identify what the speaker sent. The correct answer is A, "Una carta," which means "a letter." This option correctly identifies the item sent.