Given the relation A = {(5,2),(7,4),(9,10),(x,5)}. What is the value of x that will make relation A a function?

the answer is 4

For relation A to be a function, each input (x-value) should have a unique output (y-value). In other words, there should be no repetition in the x-values of the relation.

Looking at the relation A = {(5,2),(7,4),(9,10),(x,5)}, the x-values that we currently have are 5, 7, 9. To make it a function, we need to choose a value for x that is different from the existing x-values.

Therefore, any value of x that is not equal to 5, 7, or 9 will make relation A a function.

To determine the value of x that will make relation A a function, we need to understand the concept of a function. In mathematics, a function is a relation in which each input (x-value) is associated with exactly one output (y-value).

In the given relation A = {(5,2),(7,4),(9,10),(x,5)}, the x-value is associated with the y-value of 5. Therefore, in order for A to be a function, there should not be any repetition of the x-value.

Looking at the given relation, we can see that there are no repetitive x-values other than x itself. So, the value of x can be anything as long as it is not equal to 5.

In conclusion, any value for x, except 5, would make relation A a function.