I need help writing a speech out on the following topic:Why banning the use of cell phones while driving should be mandatory nationwide. tate the general purpose, specific purpose, and central idea clearly and in the appropriate form.4. Limit your main points and supporting materials to no more than three.5. State your main points and supporting materials in complete sentences.6. Summarize key points of introduction.7. Summarize the conclusion in one statement

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General Purpose: To persuade

Specific Purpose: To convince the audience that banning the use of cell phones while driving should be mandatory nationwide
Central Idea: Banning the use of cell phones while driving can greatly reduce accidents, save lives, and promote safer roadways.

Main Point 1: Cell phone use while driving increases the risk of accidents.
Supporting Material:
- Provide statistics on the number of accidents caused by cell phone use while driving
- Share real-life stories or examples of accidents caused by cell phone distractions
- Explain the cognitive distraction of engaging in a conversation while driving

Main Point 2: Banning cell phone use can save lives.
Supporting Material:
- Highlight studies and research that show the correlation between cell phone use while driving and traffic fatalities
- Discuss the impact of distracted driving on reaction time and decision-making abilities
- Present evidence of the effectiveness of similar laws in other countries or states

Main Point 3: Banning cell phone use promotes safer roadways and responsible driving.
Supporting Material:
- Discuss the role of government in promoting public safety and responsible behavior
- Explain how banning cell phone use while driving can lead to a cultural shift towards safer driving habits
- Emphasize the importance of setting a good example for younger drivers and future generations

Introduction Summary: In this speech, I will present the reasons why banning the use of cell phones while driving should be mandatory nationwide. I will discuss the increased risk of accidents, the potential to save lives, and the promotion of safer roadways.

Conclusion Summary: Banning the use of cell phones while driving nationwide is a crucial step in reducing accidents, saving lives, and creating safer roads for everyone.