5 ways in which the human or environmental problem impacts on the community . provide relevant sources to support your claims.

Sure! Here are five ways in which human or environmental problems can impact communities, along with relevant sources:

1. Health issues: Human or environmental problems can have direct consequences on the health of community members. For example, air pollution from factories or vehicular emissions can lead to respiratory problems and other health issues. Source: World Health Organization - Air pollution and health.

2. Economic impact: Community livelihoods may be affected by human or environmental problems. For instance, if a natural disaster such as a flood or drought occurs, it can damage crops, infrastructure, and disrupt economic activities. Source: United Nations - Economic and Social Impact of Disasters.

3. Social disruption: Human or environmental problems can lead to social unrest and disrupt social structures within a community. Issues like deforestation or loss of natural resources can create conflicts over access to land or water, leading to tensions among community members. Source: International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) - Deforestation and its impacts.

4. Decline in education: Human or environmental problems can hinder access to quality education, especially for marginalized communities. For instance, inadequate sanitation facilities, lack of safe drinking water, or natural disasters can disrupt schooling and impact the learning environment. Source: UNESCO - Education in Emergencies.

5. Psychological impact: The stress and trauma caused by human or environmental problems can have long-lasting psychological effects on individuals in a community. For example, communities affected by natural disasters may experience anxiety, depression, or post-traumatic stress disorder. Source: American Psychological Association - The Psychological Impact of Environmental Disasters.

Remember to consult these sources for more detailed information and to validate the claims made.