What is the relationship between revision and content?

A. Correct content makes revision unnecessary.

B. Revision links content with sources.

C. Revision makes sure all content is relevant.

D. Content connects revised sentences together.

Is it hmmmm wow well is it C Ms. Sue or is it B???

Thx :D

The correct answer is B. Revision links content with sources.

To arrive at this answer, we can analyze the relationship between revision and content in each of the options:

A. Correct content makes revision unnecessary: This option suggests that if the content is already correct, there is no need for revision. However, revision is a process of reviewing, editing, and improving the content, regardless of its correctness. So, option A is not the correct choice.

B. Revision links content with sources: This option recognizes the role of revision in connecting the content with its sources. During the revision process, one reviews the content to ensure that it is supported by credible sources and evidence. This option accurately captures the relationship between revision and content.

C. Revision makes sure all content is relevant: While it is true that revision helps to ensure the relevance of content, this option does not capture the full scope of the relationship between revision and content. Revision goes beyond determining relevance and also includes aspects such as clarity, organization, and coherence.

D. Content connects revised sentences together: This option suggests that content is responsible for connecting revised sentences. However, the relationship between revision and content is more about refining and improving the substance of the content, rather than its role in connecting sentences.

So, based on the explanations above, the correct answer is B. Revision links content with sources.