A textbook store sold a combined total of 462 biology and chemistry textbooks in a week. The number of biology textbooks sold was two times the number of chemistry textbooks sold. How many textbooks of each type were sold?

To solve this problem, let's assign variables to the unknown quantities. Let's say "x" represents the number of chemistry textbooks sold.

According to the problem, the number of biology textbooks sold is two times the number of chemistry textbooks sold. So, the number of biology textbooks sold can be represented as "2x".

The problem states that a total of 462 biology and chemistry textbooks were sold altogether. Therefore, we can set up the equation:

x + 2x = 462

Combining like terms, we get:

3x = 462

To solve for x, we need to divide both sides of the equation by 3:

3x/3 = 462/3


x = 154

So, the number of chemistry textbooks sold is 154.

To find the number of biology textbooks sold, we substitute this value back into the equation:

2x = 2 * 154 = 308

Therefore, the number of biology textbooks sold is 308.

In conclusion, 154 chemistry textbooks and 308 biology textbooks were sold.

number of chemistry books ---x

number of biology books -----2x

x + 2x = 462