draw two parallel lines in quadrants 1 and two that are ten blocks apart

To draw two parallel lines that are ten blocks apart in quadrants 1 and 2, follow these steps:

1. Start by drawing the coordinate axes. Draw a horizontal line (x-axis) and a vertical line (y-axis) intersecting at the origin (0,0).

2. Determine the distance between each block (grid unit) on your graph paper. For example, if each block represents 1 unit, you will have a grid of equal-sized squares.

3. In the first quadrant (top-right), select any point on the x-axis and mark it as the starting point for your first parallel line. For simplicity, let's say this point is (1,0).

4. Count ten units to the right from the starting point on the x-axis and mark the ending point as (11,0). This will be a point on the first parallel line.

5. Next, draw a vertical dashed line through the ending point (11,0). This line will represent the distance between the two parallel lines.

6. To draw the second parallel line in the second quadrant (top-left), select any point to the left of the y-axis, such as (-1,0), as the starting point for the second parallel line.

7. Count ten units to the left from the starting point on the x-axis and mark the ending point as (-11,0). This will be a point on the second parallel line.

8. Draw a vertical dashed line through the ending point (-11,0), parallel to the dashed line in step 5. This dashed line will represent the same distance of ten units.

Now you have two parallel lines in quadrants 1 and 2 that are ten blocks apart.