what is 63% rounded to the nearest whole percent.


Are we missing something here?

give me just a second i will search it on my fone because i yust want to be ....

To round a percentage to the nearest whole percent, you need to determine if the decimal portion is greater than or equal to 0.5. Here's how you can do it:

1. Start with the percentage you want to round, which is 63% in this case.

2. Convert the percentage to decimal form by dividing it by 100. For 63%, the decimal form is 0.63.

3. Check the decimal portion of the number. In this case, the decimal portion is 0.63 – the part after the decimal point. It is less than 0.5, so we will round down.

4. To round down, simply drop the decimal portion and keep only the whole number part. In this case, rounding down 0.63 gives you 0.

Thus, 63% rounded to the nearest whole percent is 0%.



i dont know because i yust want to be crazy