

method: __________

x= ____________

y= _____________



2x + 3x + 11 = 1

5x = -10

x = -2

Now, substitute - 2 for x in the first equation to find the value of y.


one more...


How do you know if it's substitution or what?

I used substitution. Why don't you try substitution on the last set of equations?

I'll be glad to check your answer.

To start you off --
x = 12 - 4y




Is that right? My teacher said something to us about that you shouldn't have fractions.

To solve the given system of equations:

1. Choose a method:
- Substitution method: Solve one equation for one variable and substitute it into the other equation.
- Elimination method: Multiply one or both of the equations by suitable constants to eliminate one variable when the equations are added or subtracted.

Let's solve this system using the substitution method:

2. Choose one of the equations to solve for one variable.
Let's solve the first equation, y = 3x + 11, for y.

y = 3x + 11

3. Substitute the value of y derived from step 2 into the other equation.
The other equation is 2x + y = 1.

2x + (3x + 11) = 1

4. Simplify the equation by combining like terms.
2x + 3x + 11 = 1
5x + 11 = 1

5. Solve the resulting equation for x.
Subtract 11 from both sides to isolate x.
5x = 1 - 11
5x = -10
Divide both sides by 5.
x = -10/5
x = -2

6. Substitute the value of x found in step 5 into either equation to solve for y.
Let's substitute x = -2 into y = 3x + 11.

y = 3(-2) + 11
y = -6 + 11
y = 5

- The method used to solve the system of equations is the substitution method.
- The value of x is -2.
- The value of y is 5.