conjugue les verbes a limparfait ou au passé compose

guillame,quatorze ans,se lle son long sejour a l'hopital, quand il receivait la visite des animatuers de docteur clown,La premiere fois, j'ai cru(croire) qu'ils ______ (venir) d'une autre planete!
J'____ (penser) que c' ___ (etre)a cause de ma maladie
ok so I think the 1ST space is quils vu then je ai pu then c' ?

last space I think its que cete?

I'll send this to our French expert, SraJMcGin.

First of all proper punctuation would be appreciated, including necessary accents, capital letters, etc. Otherwise it is almost impossible for me to read it!

What is your choice for venir? I think you thought it was voir (to see?) but it is the verb "to come." "they were coming = venaient or they did come ils sont venus. Sometimes ONLY the speaker can say if the choice is Imperfect (was happening at that moment) or the Passé Composé (had already happened).

With penser, "I was thinking" = Je pensais OR "I thought/thought completed" = j'ai pensé que c'était (it was)

Sra (aka Mme)

Be sure to ask any question you may have about the use of the Imperfect vs. the Passé Composé.


To conjugate the verbs in the imperfect or passé composé tense in the given passage, we need to analyze each sentence and identify the appropriate verb forms.

1. "La première fois, j'ai cru (croire) qu'ils ______ (venir) d'une autre planète!"
To determine the verb form for "venir," we need to consider the subject of the sentence, which is "ils" (they). In the passé composé tense, the auxiliary verb "avoir" is conjugated based on the subject, followed by the past participle of the main verb "venir." Since the subject "ils" is third-person plural, the correct conjugation of "venir" is "sont venus" (they came). Therefore, the correct answer is: "venaient"

2. "J'____ (penser) que c'___ (être) à cause de ma maladie."
For the verb "penser," the subject is "je" (I). In this case, we need to conjugate "penser" in the passé composé tense. The auxiliary verb "avoir" is conjugated based on the subject, followed by the past participle of "penser." Since the subject "je" is first-person singular, the correct conjugation of "penser" is "ai pensé" (I thought). Therefore, the correct answer is: "ai pensé."

For the verb "être," the subject is "c'" (it). In this case, we need to conjugate "être" in the imperfect tense since the verb "penser" is already in the passé composé tense. In the imperfect tense, the conjugation for "être" is "était" for the third-person singular, which matches the subject "c'". Therefore, the correct answer is: "était."

So, the correct answers for the blanks are:
1. "venaient"
2. "ai pensé" and "était"