If a body weight 10N is lifted from the floor to a table 2m above the floor ,calculate the potential energy gained.What happens to the energy if the body falls of the table and hits the floor?

Force is in Newton so

F=ma (where a is acceleration due to gravity)
Potential energy =mgh
P. E= force *h
P. E= 10*2
P. E= 20joules.
(b) there will be a conversation of potential energy to kinetic energy due to its change in position that to motion

You have answered my question

You have answered my question

answer my question

if a body of weight 10n is lifted from a floor to a table 2m above the floor calculate the energy gained by the body

Thanks 👍

You answered my question in an awesome way

A very good answer and you have also answered my question.

Thanks this is a great answer

Thanks, I understand better now