
Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb: ellos/salir.
Ellos ______

Is it: Ellos salen
Is it: Ellos salieron

Thank You.

Ellos Salieron

It depends. "Ellos salen" is the present form. "Ellos salieron" is the past one. Both are correct.

The correct form of the verb "salir" for "ellos" is: Ellos salieron.

To determine the correct form of the verb "ellos/salir," you should consider the tense of the sentence. In the given sentence, "Ellos ______," there is no indication of the tense.

- If you want to use the present tense, you should use "Ellos salen."

- If you want to use the past tense, you should use "Ellos salieron."

Without further context, it is not possible to determine which tense is appropriate.