what kind of behavior were greek myths meant to encourage?

i think it is mainly to discourage selfishness and greed.

I can't think of many Greek myths that teach those lessons.

Study these sites for more interpretations.



Greek myths were indeed intended to convey certain moral lessons and values to the audience. While discouraging selfishness and greed was a part of it, the primary purpose of Greek myths was to promote moral behavior and virtues within society. These myths were meant to encourage individuals to embody qualities such as bravery, loyalty, justice, and respect for the gods, as well as for one's fellow humans.

To understand the intention behind Greek myths and the values they aimed to promote, one can look at the stories themselves and the lessons they convey. For example, myths like the story of Prometheus stealing fire from the gods and being punished for it, or the tale of Icarus flying too close to the sun, warn against arrogance and the consequences of defying the boundaries set by the gods. These stories were designed to show people the importance of humility and the potential dangers of recklessness.

Another example is the myth of Pandora's Box, which highlights the consequences of curiosity and disobedience. This tale serves as a reminder to individuals of the need to exercise restraint and avoid the negative consequences that can arise from acting impulsively.

Furthermore, many Greek myths also illustrate the concepts of justice and fairness. Myths such as the story of King Midas, who was granted a wish to turn everything he touched into gold, teach the importance of contentment and the limitations of material wealth. These stories encourage individuals to value more than just material possessions and understand the importance of balance and moderation in their desires.

In summary, while Greek myths aimed to discourage selfishness and greed, they also imparted a broader range of moral lessons and virtues such as bravery, loyalty, justice, humility, and respect. They were designed to shape the behavior and values of individuals within Greek society, promoting a harmonious and virtuous way of life.