Write equations for the stepwise formation of each of the following complex ions. (Type your answer using the format CO2 for CO2, [NH4]+ for NH4+, and [Ni(CN)4]2- for Ni(CN)42-. Use the lowest possible coefficients.)

(a) Ni(CN)42-
(b) Mn(C2O4)22-

i have no idea

heisenberg uncertainty principle proves how big dis booty is

(a) To form the complex ion Ni(CN)42-, we start with the individual atoms:

1. Start with Ni2+ and four CN- ions:
Ni2+ + 4 CN- -> [Ni(CN)4]2-

(b) To form the complex ion Mn(C2O4)22-, we start with the individual atoms:
1. Start with Mn2+ and two C2O42- ions:
Mn2+ + 2 C2O42- -> [Mn(C2O4)2]2-

(a) To write the equation for the stepwise formation of the complex ion Ni(CN)42-, we need to determine the ligands involved and their respective charges.

The ligands are CN-, which is the cyanide ion, and the central metal ion is Ni2+. We will use the following facts to guide us:
- Cyanide (CN-) is a strong ligand, which means it forms a stable bond with the metal ion.
- The complex ion Ni(CN)42- has a 2- charge, indicating that there are four cyanide ligands surrounding the nickel ion.

The stepwise formation can be represented by the following equations:

Step 1: Formation of the first complex
Ni2+ + 4CN- → [Ni(CN)4]2-

(b) For the stepwise formation of the complex ion Mn(C2O4)22-, the ligands involved are C2O42-, which is the oxalate ion, and the central metal ion is Mn2+. We will use the following information:
- Oxalate (C2O42-) is a bidentate ligand, meaning it forms two bonds with the metal ion.
- The complex ion Mn(C2O4)22- has a 2- charge, indicating that there are two oxalate ligands surrounding the manganese ion.

The stepwise formation equations can be written as follows:

Step 1: Formation of the first complex
Mn2+ + C2O42- → [Mn(C2O4)]2-

Step 2: Formation of the final complex
[Mn(C2O4)]2- + C2O42- → [Mn(C2O4)2]2-