Do advertisers tell the society what they want to hear just so they can make money?


Yes and they try to present their ideas in such a way as to influence society's opinion into thinking that their product is essential to being complete and happy. To be without their product/service will leave one diminished/ unfulfilled/ "less than" those who have gotten it.

To answer your question, it is important to remember that advertisers exist primarily to promote and sell products or services. Their main objective is to capture consumers' attention, generate interest, and ultimately persuade them to make a purchase. While the specific tactics and strategies employed by advertisers can vary, it is true that they often tailor their messages to align with the desires and preferences of their target audience.

Advertisers conduct extensive market research to gain insights into their target demographic, including their needs, wants, and motivations. By understanding what resonates with consumers, advertisers can create advertisements that appeal to their desires and aspirations. This approach helps maximize the chances of attracting attention, building positive associations, and ultimately driving sales.

However, it is essential to note that not all advertisements aim to deceive or manipulate the audience. Effective advertising relies on establishing trust and credibility with consumers. Misleading or dishonest practices can damage a company's reputation and long-term success.

Ultimately, as consumers, it is important to be critical and discerning when encountering advertisements. By developing media literacy and being aware of marketing techniques, we can make informed decisions and differentiate between genuine information and persuasive messaging.