test 3, question 28

Every character in Shakespeare's plays has a function important to the plot. Discuss the characterization of Feste using dialogue, actions and what other characters say about him. In you answer, include Feste's function in the play.

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I am also stuck on these exams. I am taking british literature from American School. Please send me the answer if you are done with it. Thank u.

To answer this question, you will need to analyze Feste's characterization in Shakespeare's plays through his dialogue, actions, and what other characters say about him. This will help you understand his function in the play.

To begin, you should read the relevant play that features Feste as a character. In this case, Feste appears in Shakespeare's comedy "Twelfth Night." It is highly recommended that you read the play or watch a performance of it to fully understand Feste's characterization and role in the plot. This will allow you to gather specific quotes and examples to support your analysis.

When examining Feste's dialogue, pay close attention to his language, wordplay, and wit. Feste is known for his clever wordplay and his ability to entertain with songs and riddles. Analyze how his dialogue reveals his intelligence, quick thinking, and sharp sense of humor. Additionally, consider the purpose of his words. Does he provide comic relief, offer insights, or reveal hidden truths?

Next, observe Feste's actions throughout the play. Note any significant or memorable scenes involving Feste and analyze how his actions contribute to the plot or the development of other characters. For instance, Feste often interacts with the main characters, such as Viola and Olivia, and his interactions with them can reveal aspects of their personalities or advance the plot in various ways.

Additionally, pay attention to what other characters say about Feste. This can include their direct comments about him or their reactions to his presence. Look for passages where characters discuss Feste's role in the play, his qualities, or his impact on the story. These insights can provide further understanding of Feste's function.

As you gather evidence from Feste's dialogue, actions, and the opinions of other characters, consider his overall role in the play. Feste typically serves as the fool or the jester, bringing humor, wit, and commentary to various situations. However, he often possesses a deeper understanding of the events and characters than initially meets the eye. Reflect on how Feste's presence contributes to the themes, conflicts, and resolution of the play.

By following these steps and thoroughly examining Feste's characterization through dialogue, actions, and other character opinions, you will be able to discuss his function in the play effectively. Remember to provide specific examples from the text to support your analysis. Good luck with your assignment!