a rectangular plot of grass 25m by 22m has a gravel walk 1.5m wide all around it on the outside.What is the area of the gravel walk?

The area of the gravel walk is 150 sq.m.

Step-by-step explanation:

Length of grass plot = 25 m

Breadth of grass plot = 22 m

We are given that A rectangular plot of grass 25m by 22m has a gravel walk 1.5m wide all around it on the outside.

So, outer length = 25+(1.5+1.5)= 28 m

Outer breadth =22+(1.5+1.5)=25 m

Area of Gravel walk = Outer area - Inner area

Area of gravel walk =

Area of gravel walk =

Hence the area of the gravel walk is 150 sq.m.

#Learn more;

A rectangular plot 25 metre long and 16 metre wide as a gravel walk 1.5 metre wide all around it on the outside find the cost of laying the grass on the path at the rate of rupess 5 per sq m.​

(26.5 * 23.5) - (25 * 22) = ?

To find the area of the gravel walk, we need to calculate the area of the outer rectangle and then subtract the area of the inner rectangle (the grass plot).

1. Calculate the area of the outer rectangle:
Length = original length + 2 * width of the walkway
Width = original width + 2 * width of the walkway

Length = 25m + 2 * 1.5m = 25m + 3m = 28m
Width = 22m + 2 * 1.5m = 22m + 3m = 25m

Area of the outer rectangle = Length * Width = 28m * 25m = 700m²

2. Calculate the area of the inner rectangle (the grass plot):
Area of the inner rectangle = original length * original width = 25m * 22m = 550m²

3. Calculate the area of the gravel walk:
Area of the gravel walk = Area of the outer rectangle - Area of the inner rectangle
= 700m² - 550m² = 150m²

Therefore, the area of the gravel walk is 150 square meters.

To find the area of the gravel walk, we need to subtract the area of the rectangular grass plot from the area of the rectangle formed by the outer boundary of the gravel walk.

Step 1: Calculate the total area of the grass plot:
The grass plot is a rectangle with dimensions of 25m by 22m.
So, the area of the grass plot = Length × Width = 25m × 22m = 550 square meters.

Step 2: Calculate the dimensions of the rectangle formed by the outer boundary of the gravel walk:
To find the length and width of the rectangle encompassing the gravel walk, we need to add the width of the gravel walk to the length and width of the grass plot. Since the gravel walk is on all sides of the rectangle, we need to add the width twice.
So, the length of the outer rectangle = Length of the grass plot + 2 × Width of the gravel walk
= 25m + 2 × 1.5m
= 25m + 3m
= 28m

Similarly, the width of the outer rectangle = Width of the grass plot + 2 × Width of the gravel walk
= 22m + 2 × 1.5m
= 22m + 3m
= 25m

Step 3: Calculate the area of the gravel walk:
The area of the gravel walk = Area of the outer rectangle - Area of the grass plot
= Length × Width - Area of the grass plot
= 28m × 25m - 550 square meters
= 700 square meters - 550 square meters
= 150 square meters

Therefore, the area of the gravel walk is 150 square meters.