How many signals does a polygon with 32 sides have?

what the heck are signals of a polygon?

To find out the number of signals in a polygon, we need to consider its vertices (corner points) and its sides.

For each vertex, there will be two signals coming in (two sides connecting to the vertex) and two signals going out (two sides connected to the vertex, moving away from it).

In a polygon with n sides, there will be n vertices. So the total number of signals would be:
2 (signals in) * n (vertices) + 2 (signals out) * n (vertices).

In this case, we have a polygon with 32 sides, so the number of signals would be:
2 * 32 + 2 * 32 = 64 + 64 = 128.

A polygon with 32 sides will have 128 signals.