In the base-ten numeral 770, which place is the digit that repersrnts a value that is 10 times the value of the 7 in the tens place?

The 7 in the hundreds place

because 100 is 10*10

To find the digit that represents a value that is 10 times the value of the 7 in the tens place in the base-ten numeral 770, we need to understand the place values of each digit.

In the base-ten system, each digit's place value increases tenfold as you move from right to left. The rightmost digit is in the ones place, followed by the tens place, hundreds place, and so on.

In the number 770, we have:
- A 7 in the hundreds place.
- A 7 in the tens place.
- A 0 in the ones place.

To determine the digit that represents a value that is 10 times the value of the 7 in the tens place, we need to look at the hundreds place, which is to the left of the tens place.

So, the digit in the hundreds place represents a value that is 10 times the value of the 7 in the tens place.

To find the digit that represents a value that is 10 times the value of the 7 in the tens place in the base-ten numeral 770, we need to determine the place value of the digit.

In base-ten, each digit represents a specific value based on its position in the number. The place values in a base-ten system are powers of 10, starting from right to left. The rightmost digit is in the ones place (10^0), followed by the tens place (10^1), hundreds place (10^2), and so on.

Let's break down the number 770:

- 7 in the hundreds place: This digit represents a value of 7 * 10^2 (7 * 100 = 700).
- 7 in the tens place: This digit represents a value of 7 * 10^1 (7 * 10 = 70).
- 0 in the ones place: This digit represents a value of 0 * 10^0 (0 * 1 = 0).

The question asks about the digit that is 10 times the value of the 7 in the tens place. So, we need to look for a digit whose value is 10 times 70.

Multiplying 70 by 10 gives us 700, which is the value of the digit in the hundreds place. Therefore, the digit that represents a value that is 10 times the value of the 7 in the tens place is the 7 in the hundreds place.