I am categorizing files by numbers.

But I have a couple of files w/o #'s.
Then what 1 label would I give these group of files?
Ex: # Unknown...

If you have a group of files without numbers and you need to categorize them separately, you can assign them a label like "Unknown" or "Miscellaneous" to indicate that they do not fit within the numerical categorization system. This label will help you easily identify and locate these files when needed.

To apply this label to the group of files, you can follow these steps:

1. Select the files that do not have numbers assigned.
2. Right-click on one of the selected files and choose "Rename" or "Properties" from the context menu.
3. In the renaming dialog box or properties window, find the label or name field.
4. Enter the desired label, such as "Unknown" or "Miscellaneous", in the field.
5. Click "Apply" or "OK" to save the changes.

By applying this label, you can easily distinguish these files from the numbered ones and organize your files more efficiently.