What are two jobs or functions of the roots on a flower/plant?

gather nutrients, and water. To anchor the plant.

Thank you my sister told me that was the job of the stem but when I asked her well then what is the job or function of the roots an she couldn't answer lol

The roots of a flower or plant perform several important jobs or functions. Here are two of them:

1. Absorption of water and nutrients: One of the primary roles of roots is to absorb water and essential nutrients from the soil. Typically, the roots have tiny root hairs that greatly increase their surface area, facilitating better absorption. Water is crucial for photosynthesis and other metabolic processes in plants, and nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are needed for growth and development.

To learn more about the specific nutrients required by a particular type of plant or flower, you can consult gardening guides, agricultural resources, or scientific publications that provide information on the nutritional needs of plants.

2. Anchoring and support: Another critical function of roots is to provide support and anchorage to the plant. Roots help anchor the plant in the ground, preventing it from toppling over due to wind or other external forces. They also help stabilize the plant by maintaining its position and preventing soil erosion around the base.

To understand how roots provide anchorage and support, you can observe the root structure of different plants by digging them up carefully. You may also find diagrams or illustrations in botany textbooks, gardening books, or online resources that demonstrate the root systems of various plants and explain how they support the overall structure of the plant.

These are just two of the many jobs performed by plant roots. The complexity and functionality of roots can vary across different plant species and environments, so exploring specific references related to the plant you are interested in will provide more detailed insights.