Is there a way to find the term number of a sum in an arithmetic series? Like if you had the sum of the first 12 terms in a series could you find the term value of term 12 using the sum?

For example in one of my previous questions :

For each series, calculate t12 and S12
a) 37 + 41 + 45 + 49 + ...

I calculated S12 to be 708. Using 708 is there a way to find t12?

There are two common formulas for the sum of n terms of an AS

sum(n) = (n/2)(2a + (n-1)d)
sum(n) - (n/2)(first term + last term)

if you know S12 = 708, and we know a = 37 and n=12

708 = (12/2)(37 + last)
708 = 6(37+last)
118 = 37 + last
last = 81
but the last term would be term(12)
so term12 = 81

Thank you!!


Yes, there is a way to find the term value of term 12 using the sum of an arithmetic series.

To find the term value, you can use the formula for the nth term of an arithmetic sequence:

tn = a + (n - 1)d

where tn represents the term value, a represents the first term, n represents the term number, and d represents the common difference between consecutive terms.

In your example, you have the sum of the first 12 terms (S12) as 708. The formula to find the sum of an arithmetic series is:

S = (n/2)(a + tn)

where S represents the sum, n represents the number of terms, a represents the first term, and tn represents the last term.

In your case, you have the sum (S12) as 708 and the number of terms (n) as 12. Plugging these values into the formula, you can solve for tn:

708 = (12/2)(a + tn)


708 = 6(a + tn)

118 = a + tn

Now, we need additional information to find the value of tn. Specifically, we need to know the first term (a) or the common difference (d). Without this information, we cannot determine the value of tn using only the sum of the series.

Therefore, with the given information (sum of S12 = 708), we cannot find the value of t12. We need either the value of the first term (a) or the common difference (d) to solve for tn.