The coordinates for a rhombus are given as (2a, 0), (0, 2b), (–2a, 0), and (0, –2b). Write a plan to prove that the midpoints of the sides of a rhombus determine a rectangle using coordinate geometry. Be sure to include the formulas.


To prove that the midpoints of the sides of a rhombus determine a rectangle using coordinate geometry, we can follow the following plan:

1. Start by finding the coordinates of the midpoints of the sides of the rhombus.
Let's assume the coordinates of the given rhombus are (2a, 0), (0, 2b), (-2a, 0), and (0, -2b).
The midpoint formula can be used to find the coordinates of the midpoints of the sides:
- The midpoint of the side connecting (2a, 0) and (0, 2b) is ((2a + 0) / 2, (0 + 2b) / 2) = (a, b)
- The midpoint of the side connecting (0, 2b) and (-2a, 0) is ((0 + -2a) / 2, (2b + 0) / 2) = (-a, b)
- The midpoint of the side connecting (-2a, 0) and (0, -2b) is ((-2a + 0) / 2, (0 + -2b) / 2) = (-a, -b)
- The midpoint of the side connecting (0, -2b) and (2a, 0) is ((0 + 2a) / 2, (-2b + 0) / 2) = (a, -b)

2. Show that the opposite sides are parallel using slopes.
The slope formula can be used to find the slopes of the sides:
- The slope of the side connecting (a, b) and (-a, b) is (b - b) / (-a - a) = 0, representing a horizontal line.
- The slope of the side connecting (-a, b) and (-a, -b) is (-b - b) / (-a - -a) = 0, again representing a horizontal line.
- Similarly, the slopes of the other two sides will also be 0.

3. Show that the adjacent sides are perpendicular using slopes.
The slope formula can be used to find the slopes of the sides:
- The slope of the side connecting (a, b) and (-a, -b) is (-b - b) / (-a - a) = (2b) / (2a) = b/a.
- The slope of the side connecting (-a, b) and (a, -b) is (-b - b) / (a - -a) = (-2b) / (2a) = -b/a.
- The slopes of these adjacent sides are negative reciprocals of each other, indicating perpendicularity.

4. Show that opposite sides are equal in length using the distance formula.
The distance formula can be used to find the lengths of the sides:
- The distance between (a, b) and (-a, b) is √((a - -a)^2 + (b - b)^2) = √((2a)^2) = 2a.
- Similarly, the distance between (-a, b) and (-a, -b), (a, -b) and (a, b), as well as (-a, -b) and (a, -b) will also be 2a.

5. Finally, with the sides being parallel and perpendicular, and opposite sides being equal, it can be concluded that the midpoints of the sides of the rhombus determine a rectangle.

By following this plan and demonstrating the steps using coordinate geometry formulas, it can be proven that the midpoints of the sides of a rhombus determine a rectangle.

To prove that the midpoints of the sides of a rhombus determine a rectangle using coordinate geometry, we can follow these steps:

1. Write down the coordinates of the given rhombus.
The coordinates given for the rhombus are (2a, 0), (0, 2b), (-2a, 0), and (0, -2b).

2. Find the midpoints of the sides of the rhombus.
The midpoints of the sides of the rhombus can be found by taking the average of the coordinates of each pair of opposite vertices.

Midpoint of the side connecting (2a,0) and (0,2b):
x-coordinate: (2a + 0) / 2 = a
y-coordinate: (0 + 2b) / 2 = b

Midpoint of the side connecting (0,2b) and (-2a,0):
x-coordinate: (0 + (-2a)) / 2 = -a
y-coordinate: (2b + 0) / 2 = b

Midpoint of the side connecting (-2a,0) and (0,-2b):
x-coordinate: ((-2a) + 0) / 2 = -a
y-coordinate: (0 + (-2b)) / 2 = -b

Midpoint of the side connecting (0,-2b) and (2a,0):
x-coordinate: (0 + 2a) / 2 = a
y-coordinate: ((-2b) + 0) / 2 = -b

The midpoints of the sides are (a, b), (-a, b), (-a, -b), and (a, -b).

3. Calculate the slopes of adjacent sides.
The slope of a line passing through two points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) is given by: slope = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1).

Slope of the line connecting (a, b) and (-a, b):
slope = (b - b) / (-a - a) = 0 / -2a = 0

Slope of the line connecting (-a, b) and (-a, -b):
slope = (-b - b) / (-a - (-a)) = -2b / 0 = undefined

Slope of the line connecting (-a, -b) and (a, -b):
slope = (-b - (-b)) / (a - (-a)) = 0 / 2a = 0

Slope of the line connecting (a, -b) and (a, b):
slope = (b - (-b)) / (a - a) = 2b / 0 = undefined

The adjacent sides have slopes of 0 and undefined, which indicates that they are perpendicular to each other.

4. Show that the opposite sides are parallel.
The opposite sides of a rhombus are parallel. To prove this, we can calculate the slopes of the lines connecting the pairs of opposite vertices.

Slope of the line connecting (2a, 0) and (0, -2b):
slope = (-2b - 0) / (0 - 2a) = -2b / -2a = b/a

Slope of the line connecting (2a, 0) and (-2a, 0):
slope = (0 - 0) / (-2a - 2a) = 0 / -4a = 0

Slope of the line connecting (0, 2b) and (0, -2b):
slope = (-2b - 2b) / (0 - 0) = -4b / 0 = undefined

Slope of the line connecting (0, 2b) and (-2a, 0):
slope = (0 - 2b) / (-2a - 0) = -2b / -2a = b/a

The slopes are equal for the opposite sides, indicating that they are parallel.

5. Prove that the figure formed by connecting the midpoints is a rectangle.
To prove that the figure formed by connecting the midpoints of the sides of a rhombus is a rectangle, we need to show that the adjacent sides are perpendicular and the opposite sides are parallel.

In step 3, we showed that the adjacent sides have slopes of 0 and undefined, indicating that they are perpendicular.

In step 4, we showed that the opposite sides have equal slopes, indicating that they are parallel.

Therefore, since the figure has perpendicular adjacent sides and parallel opposite sides, we can conclude that the figure formed by connecting the midpoints of the sides of a rhombus is a rectangle.

This plan outlines the steps to prove that the midpoints of the sides of a rhombus determine a rectangle using coordinate geometry. By following these steps, you can provide a formal proof of the claim.

Using the diagram and connecting the dots. The top horizontal line segment is y=b and the segment is the distance of the endpoints which is a-(-a) = 2a, the same goes for the bottom horizontal segment. The bottom is y=-b The vertical segments on the left and right would be x=-a (left side) and x=a on the right. The distance from the endpoints is b-(-b)=2b

So the rectangle formed has the dimensions of 2a X 2b

Since the lines are horizontal and vertical they form 90 degrees angles where they intersect. A characteristic of rectangle.