(c) What is the value of the degree of polymerization n of isotactic PB with a molecular weight of 3.091×105 g/mol?

To determine the value of the degree of polymerization (n) of isotactic PB (Polybutene), we need to know two things:

1. The molecular weight of the repeating unit of isotactic PB.
2. The molecular weight of the entire polymer.

Since the molecular weight of the isotactic PB (Polybutene) is given as 3.091×105 g/mol, we can use this information to find the degree of polymerization.

First, find the molecular weight of the repeating unit of isotactic PB. This can be done by dividing the molecular weight of the entire polymer by the number of repeating units in the polymer chain.

Let's assume the molecular weight of the repeating unit is "m" g/mol.

Now, the degree of polymerization (n) can be calculated as the ratio of the molecular weight of the entire polymer to the molecular weight of the repeating unit.

n = (molecular weight of the entire polymer) / (molecular weight of the repeating unit)

Since the molecular weight of the entire polymer is given as 3.091×105 g/mol, we need to find the value of "m" to calculate the degree of polymerization (n). Unfortunately, the molecular weight of the repeating unit of isotactic PB is not provided in the given question.

To find the molecular weight of the repeating unit of isotactic PB, you would need additional information or consult a reliable source such as scientific literature, chemical databases, or a polymer chemistry expert.