
(5p-2)(-3) = -15p + 6


solve for p?
so 15p=6

p=6/15 or 2/5

is that the soulution or do i continue to solve

ellis, go with Ms Sue's answer.

Since you did not have an equation, there is no "solving"

you are just "expanding"

Simon just pulled his = 0 out of the air.

To simplify the expression (5p-2)(-3), you need to apply the distributive property. The distributive property states that when multiplying a number outside the parentheses by an expression inside the parentheses, you need to distribute the number to each term inside.

Let's break it down step by step:
1. Start with the expression (5p-2)(-3).
2. Multiply -3 to each term inside the parentheses.

-3 * 5p = -15p
-3 * -2 = 6

3. Write down the results, combining like terms if possible.

The simplified expression is: -15p + 6.

So, (5p-2)(-3) simplifies to -15p + 6.