where can i find altitude of Iceland?


To find the altitude of Iceland, we can refer to various sources such as online maps, geographic databases, or topographic maps. Here's how you can find the altitude of Iceland:

1. Online Maps: Visit popular online mapping services like Google Maps or Bing Maps. Search for Iceland, and then navigate to an area of interest. Right-click on the map, and you should see an option for "What's here?" or "Measure distance and elevation" (depending on the platform). Clicking on this option will provide the elevation or altitude of the selected point.

2. Geographic Databases: There are dedicated websites or databases that provide detailed geographic information. One such example is the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) EarthExplorer platform. You can access the website and search for "Iceland" or input the specific coordinates of the locations you are interested in. The database will provide elevation data in the form of a Digital Elevation Model (DEM).

3. Topographic Maps: Topographic maps provide detailed information about the elevations of a specific area. The National Land Survey of Iceland provides topographic maps on their official website. You can access these maps and locate the areas you are interested in to find the altitude.

Remember that altitude can vary throughout Iceland, so it's essential to specify the location or area you want to obtain the altitude for.