14. Empowerment in reference to advocacy means

A. Training the clients to act on their own behalf
B. Providing positive praise to the client
C. working in a collective action with others
D. taking on a micro perspective

To determine the correct answer, let's break down the question and analyze the options:

The question is asking about the meaning of "empowerment" in reference to advocacy. Empowerment in this context refers to enabling individuals to take control of their own lives and make decisions on their own behalf.

Let's evaluate each option:

A. Training the clients to act on their own behalf: This option aligns with the concept of empowerment since it involves providing individuals with the skills and knowledge they need to advocate for themselves. This could include teaching them how to communicate effectively, navigate systems, and access resources. So, option A could be a correct answer.

B. Providing positive praise to the client: While positive praise can be beneficial in building self-confidence and motivation, it does not directly relate to advocacy or the concept of empowerment. Therefore, option B is not the correct answer.

C. Working in collective action with others: Collective action refers to groups of people working together to achieve a common goal. While collective action can be a form of advocacy, it does not necessarily address the concept of empowerment on an individual level. Therefore, option C may not be the best answer.

D. Taking on a micro perspective: Taking a micro perspective typically focuses on individual or small-scale issues. While this may be relevant in certain contexts, it does not specifically relate to advocacy or empowerment. So, option D is unlikely to be the correct answer.

Based on the analysis above, the best answer to the question "Empowerment in reference to advocacy means" is A. Training the clients to act on their own behalf, as it directly aligns with the concept of empowerment.