Can u correctly write these sentences in Spanish,plz?

1. I'm very proud of my son.
2. He can spell his name backward and forward.
3. What's his name?
4. How much does a new car cost in America?
5. You must be very rich.

If tried already this is wat I got, plz double check

1. Estoy muy orgulloso de mi hijo.
2. Él puede deletrear su nombre hacia atrás y adelante.
3.¿Cuál es su nombre?
4. ¿Cuánto cuesta un nuevo coche en América?
5. Usted debe ser muy rico.

I sent this to Sra.

Ok:) thanks I Appreciate it!!!!!

And does la frente mean forehead?

Yes, la frente can mean the forehead. The only one I'd change is #3. ¿Cómo se llama?

As for #4, it makes a difference where you place the adjective "nuevo" as to whether you mean a brand new car or a car that could be an older model but ne to the purchaser.

The usual placement of adjectives is after the noun. un coche nuevo = a new (brand new) car. Placing it before the noun can change the meaning. un nuevo coche = a different, another car


Thanxz a buch:)!!!!


1) Yo tengo

2) Nosotros tenemos
3) Tu vienes
4) Nosotros venimos
5) El/ella sale
6) El/ella vuelve

need to write with puntuations and spanish astrics if needed