Find the rule for the function table

m n
15 12
10 8
5 4
0 0

Sorry -- but I don't know.

I am not sure with one, m or n, is an input and which one is output. But I believe the following rule can work:

To get n: 15-3, 10-2, 5-1, 0-0 . As you can see each time the number (3,2,1,0) that you have to subscribe to get n is getting smaller by one. (if m is an input, but if the input is n the same pattern holds but of subscribing you would add 3 then 2 then 1 and finally 0)

Also m is changes by 5, meaning next number is smaller by 5. And n is smaller by 4 each time. Knowing this you can predict what the number before 15 could be (15+5=20) and for n (12+4=16) - the difference between 20 and 16 (20-16=4) which follows the same pattern (its bigger by 1)

I hope it helps andI explained it clear enough

Sorry for misspells! Getting late!

To find the rule for the function table, we need to observe the relationship between the input values (m) and the corresponding output values (n). In this case, we can see that the output values (n) are equal to the input values (m) divided by 1.5, or in other words, n = m / 1.5.

So the rule for the function table is n = m / 1.5.