Type a short character sketch of a fictional Puritan named Justice Johnson based on what you have learned about the Puritans. Make certain that you describe how he dresses, how he lives, what he believes, how he spends his time--in short, describe him so that a stranger, who knows nothing about Puritanism, would recognize him. (I need help!!!!)

How would you like us to help you?

Some ideas perhaps??

How did a Puritan man dress?

How does he live? What is his occupation?

What does he believe?

How does he spend his time? What does he do on Sundays?

character sketch of a fictional Puritan named Justice Johnson about the Puritans. how he dresses, how he lives, what he believes, how he spends his time--in short, describe him so that a stranger, who knows nothing about Puritanism, would recognize him

Sure! Here is a short character sketch of a fictional Puritan named Justice Johnson:

Justice Johnson is a devoted Puritan who embodies the strict lifestyle and beliefs of his community. In terms of appearance, he dresses in simple and plain clothing, favoring dark colors such as black, brown, or gray. His attire reflects the Puritan values of modesty and humility, as he believes that outward appearance should not distract others from their pursuit of holiness.

Justice Johnson leads an ascetic lifestyle, strictly adhering to Puritan principles. He resides in a small, sparsely furnished house, which symbolizes his rejection of materialism and worldly pleasures. Every day, he starts his morning with prayer and meditation, seeking God's guidance and forgiveness for any sins committed. Throughout the day, he diligently reads the Bible, using its teachings as a compass for moral decisions.

As a devout Puritan, Justice Johnson holds strong religious beliefs. He firmly believes in predestination and the concept of original sin, viewing it as fundamental to his understanding of the world. He feels a personal responsibility to live a righteous life, as he believes that God's grace is reserved for the elect chosen for salvation. Consequently, he strives to avoid sinful actions, thoughts, and even emotions, as he believes they can perpetuate mankind's fallen nature.

In his community, Justice Johnson is known for his commitment to the church and its activities. He regularly attends religious services, actively participating in sermons, hymns, and communal prayers. He firmly supports the hierarchy and authority of the clergy, considering them crucial in interpreting scripture and guiding the community towards salvation.

Although Justice Johnson's life might seem strict and somber to an outsider, it is important to note that his Puritan beliefs also offer him a sense of inner peace and divine purpose. His daily activities are centered around devotion to God and the pursuit of spiritual purity, which he believes will ultimately lead to salvation.