3 3/8 T =____lb

1T = 2000lb, so

3 3/8 T = 3T + 3/8T = 3*2000 + 3/8*2000 = 6750 lb

To convert 3 3/8 T (short for "tons") to pounds (lb), you need to know the conversion factor between tons and pounds.

The conversion factor between tons and pounds is as follows:
1 ton = 2000 pounds

To convert 3 3/8 T to pounds, you need to multiply 3 3/8 by the conversion factor:

3 3/8 T * 2000 lb/1 T

To simplify the calculation, let's convert the mixed number 3 3/8 to an improper fraction:

3 3/8 = (3 * 8 + 3) /8 = 27/8

Now we can substitute the value into the conversion equation:

27/8 T * 2000 lb/1 T

Now we can cancel out the "T" units:

(27/8) * 2000 lb

To multiply fractions, you can multiply across the numerators and denominators:

(27 * 2000) / (8 * 1) lb

Multiplying the numbers:

54,000 lb / 8 lb

Simplifying the fraction:

6750 lb

Therefore, 3 3/8 T is equal to 6750 pounds.