The price of an oven changes from $450 to $396. (1 point)13.6% increase

13.6% decrease
12% increase
12% decrease

To calculate the percentage change in price, we can use the formula:

Percentage change = ((new price - old price) / old price) * 100%

Using this formula, let's calculate the percentage change in price:

((396 - 450) / 450) * 100% = -11.999999999999996%

Rounding to the nearest whole number, we get -12%.

Therefore, the price of the oven decreased by 12%.

To find the percentage change between two numbers, you can use the formula:

Percentage Change = ((New Value - Old Value) / Old Value) * 100

In this case, the old value of the oven is $450 and the new value is $396.

Using the formula:

Percentage Change = (($396 - $450) / $450) * 100

This simplifies to:

Percentage Change = (-54 / $450) * 100

Calculating the percentage change:

Percentage Change ≈ -12%

Since the percentage change is negative, it indicates a decrease in price. Therefore, the correct answer is a 12% decrease.

54/450 = 0.12 = 12% decrease

thank you so much