Need help unscrambling

think it is the marigold flower for the day of the dead celebration - cempasuchil but not enough letters.

To unscramble the word "mpulchescisae" and find the correct word, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the possible words within the given letters.
2. Rearrange the letters to form different combinations.
3. Check each combination against a dictionary or search engine to find valid words.

Here are the possible steps to unscramble the word:

1. Start by rearranging the letter combinations:
- "mpul" could become "plum" or "lamp."
- "chesc" could become "ches" or "shes."
- "isae" could become "aise" or "siae."

2. Combine the rearranged combinations and check if they form a valid word:
- "plum ches" doesn't form a valid word.
- "lamp ches" doesn't form a valid word.
- "plum shes" doesn't form a valid word.
- "lamp shes" doesn't form a valid word.
- "plum aise" doesn't form a valid word.
- "lamp aise" doesn't form a valid word.
- "plum siae" doesn't form a valid word.
- "lamp siae" doesn't form a valid word.

Unfortunately, none of the combinations generated valid words from the given letters. It's possible that there was an error in the original arrangement or that a letter is missing or incorrectly supplied. If you have any additional information or suspect errors, please let me know, and I'll be happy to assist you further.