Write an equation that has (2,6) as a solution. Explain how you found the equation.

ask yourself, "what can I do to 3 so that it becomes 6

one scenario:
3 times 2 would equal 6

or y = 3x

or y = x+4

or y = x^2 + 2

or y = 3^x -3

as you can see there would be an infinite number of equations you could form

Thank You Very Much !!

To find the equation, we first need to determine the relationship between the x-coordinate (2) and the y-coordinate (6) of the solution point (2, 6).

The equation of a line can be represented in the standard form y = mx + b, where:
- y is the dependent variable (in this case, the y-coordinate)
- x is the independent variable (in this case, the x-coordinate)
- m is the slope of the line
- b is the y-intercept (the point where the line crosses the y-axis)

Since we already have one point on the line (2, 6), we can substitute the values of x and y into the equation and solve for the unknowns.

Using the point (2, 6) in the equation y = mx + b, we get:
6 = 2m + b

To proceed further and find the equation, we need to know either the slope (m) or the y-intercept (b). Without any additional information, we cannot determine the exact equation.

However, if we have other points that lie on the same line as (2, 6), we can use them to find the missing values.