christi rides her bicycle 7 blocks south. 3 blocks east, 5 blocks north, and 8 blocks west. how many blocks has she ridden when she crosses her own path

5 blocks

To find out how many blocks Christi has ridden when she crosses her own path, let's break down her movements step by step.

1. Starting point: Christi is at her initial position.

2. Riding 7 blocks south: Christi moves 7 blocks in the southern direction from her initial position.

3. Riding 3 blocks east: Christi turns to the east and moves 3 blocks in that direction.

4. Riding 5 blocks north: Christi now turns to the north and moves 5 blocks in that direction.

5. Riding 8 blocks west: Christi then turns to the west and moves 8 blocks in that direction.

Now, to find out where she crosses her own path, we can retrace her steps in reverse order.

1. Christi moves 8 blocks west, which leads her back to the point where she turned north.

2. From there, she moves 5 blocks north, which takes her back to the point where she turned east.

3. Moving 3 blocks east, she reaches the point where she turned south initially.

4. Finally, going 7 blocks south, she crosses her own path.

Therefore, Christi has ridden a total of 7 + 3 + 5 + 8 + 8 = 31 blocks when she crosses her own path.