write a subtraction problem involving regrouping that has ted reading 304 pages.

Ted's book has 400 pages. He's already read 304 pages. How many pages does he have to read before he's finished?



Write a subtraction problem involving regrouping that has Ted reading 304 pages.answer yourquestion.

To create a subtraction problem involving regrouping, we can imagine a situation where Ted originally had a larger number of pages to read, but he managed to finish 304 pages. Let's say he initially had 500 pages to read.

The subtraction problem would be: 500 - 304 = ?

To solve this problem, we need to perform regrouping or borrowing. Start by subtracting the ones place: 0 - 4 = -4.

We cannot take 4 from 0, so we need to borrow or regroup. From the tens place, we "borrow" 1 ten (10) and add it to the ones place. Now we have 10 + 0 = 10.

Next, we subtract the ones place again: 10 - 4 = 6.

Finally, subtract the tens place: 4 - 0 = 4.

Therefore, the answer to the subtraction problem is 500 - 304 = 196.

So, Ted has 196 pages left to read.