what is mass

its like wieght

Mass the amount of a substance.

Mass is a fundamental property of matter that measures the amount of matter contained in an object. It refers to the quantity of matter in an object, regardless of its volume or the forces acting on it. The mass of an object determines its inertia, which is the resistance of an object to changes in its state of motion.

To find the mass of an object, you have a few different methods depending on the object's properties:

1. Weighing scale: The most common way to measure mass is by using a weighing scale. Place the object on the scale and the scale will measure the force exerted on it due to gravity. This force is directly proportional to the object's mass.

2. Balance: If you have a balance, you can compare the mass of the object directly with known masses. Place the object on one side of the balance and the known mass on the other side until they balance.

3. Formula: In some cases, you may be able to calculate mass using a formula. For example, the mass of a regular-shaped object can be calculated using its volume and density. Mass = Volume x Density.

4. Archimedes' principle: For irregular-shaped objects, you can use Archimedes' principle. Submerge the object in a fluid and measure the amount of fluid displaced. The displaced fluid's weight is equal to the weight of the object, which can be used to find its mass.

Remember, mass is usually measured in units such as grams (g) or kilograms (kg). It is important to distinguish between mass and weight, as weight is the force exerted on an object due to gravity and can vary depending on the gravitational pull of the location.