Felipe has saved $625. He is starting a part-time job that pays him $150 a week, and he plans to save all of the money he earns. Which algebraic expression represents Felipe's total savings after x weeks?

A.625x + 125
C.150x + 625
D.125x - 650

I'll be glad to check your answer.

I believe it is c?


the answer is c

To find the algebraic expression that represents Felipe's total savings after x weeks, we need to consider the amount he starts with and the amount he saves each week.

Felipe initially has $625 in savings. He plans to save all of his earnings, which is $150 per week. So his savings after 1 week would be $625 + $150, after 2 weeks would be $625 + $150 + $150, and so on.

We can express this using the algebraic expression: 625 + 150x.

Therefore, the correct answer is C. 150x + 625.