explain how you would write the number that is 2 tens more than 53?

Add ten digt with number two and write new number



(2 * 10) + 53 =

How would you write the number that is 2 tens more than 53.

what is 2 tens more than 40

To write the number that is 2 tens more than 53, we first need to understand what "2 tens more" means. Since each ten represents a value of 10, "2 tens more" means we need to add 2 groups of 10 to the original number.

Start with the given number: 53
Add 2 groups of 10: 10 + 10 = 20

Now, we can add this value to the original number:

53 + 20 = 73

Therefore, the number that is 2 tens more than 53 is 73.