The ruble is the currency in Russia. In 2005, 1 united states dollar was worth 28 rubles. How many rubles were equivalent to 10 united states dollars

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is the 28 rubles


To calculate how many rubles were equivalent to 10 United States dollars, we need to use the exchange rate given for 2005, which is 1 United States dollar = 28 rubles.

To find the number of rubles equivalent to 10 United States dollars, we can use the following steps:

1. Set up a ratio using the exchange rate:
1 USD / 28 rubles

2. Multiply the ratio by the amount in United States dollars you want to convert:
(1 USD / 28 rubles) * 10 USD

3. Simplify the expression:
(1 * 10) USD / (28 * 1) rubles
10 USD / 28 rubles

Therefore, 10 United States dollars is equivalent to approximately 0.3571 rubles, based on the exchange rate of 1 United States dollar = 28 rubles in 2005.