
I got -4

I got I can't figure out I got -17

4-3(2+6) =
I got. -20

10/5 + 8+(-3) /5 -4=
I got -1

Can someone pls help me. ??

To solve these arithmetic expressions, you need to follow the order of operations, which is commonly known as PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division from left to right, and Addition and Subtraction from left to right). Let's break down each expression:

1. 3 + 2(4) - 3 + 4(-3)
Start by evaluating within the parentheses: 3 + 2 * 4 - 3 + 4 * -3
Multiply: 3 + 8 - 3 - 12
Perform addition and subtraction from left to right: 11 - 3 - 12
Perform further subtraction: 8 - 12
The final answer is -4.

2. 3 + 4 - 2 - 5 + 3 - 6 - 8
Perform addition and subtraction from left to right: 7 - 5 + 3 - 6 - 8
Perform further addition and subtraction: 2 + 3 - 6 - 8
Perform more addition and subtraction: 5 - 6 - 8
The final answer is -9.

3. 4 - 3(2 + 6)
Start by evaluating within the parentheses: 4 - 3 * 8
Perform multiplication: 4 - 24
The final answer is -20.

4. 10/5 + 8 + (-3) / 5 - 4
Perform division first: 2 + 8 + (-3/5) - 4
Simplify the division: 2 + 8 - 0.6 - 4
Perform addition and subtraction from left to right: 10 - 0.6 - 4
Perform subtraction: 9.4 - 4
The final answer is 5.4.

Double-check your work against these solutions. It's essential to keep track of the order of operations accurately to arrive at the correct answers.