A topographic map would be most useful for which activity?

locating the name of the road where your friend lives

finding out how much rainfall your town receives each year

finding the highest point in your city

determining what kind of soil is in a nearby park

I'll be glad to check your answer.

never mind my big brother helped me

but thanks anyway

I believe answer B or C would be correct. I hope this helps!

A topographic map would be most useful for activity C - finding the highest point in your city.

To determine the highest point in your city using a topographic map, you would need to look for contour lines on the map. Contour lines are lines on a map that connect points of equal elevation. By following the contour lines and paying attention to their spacing, you can identify areas of higher elevation.

To find the highest point, you would look for areas on the map where the contour lines are closest together, indicating steep terrain. As you move closer to the highest point, the contour lines would become more concentrated. Eventually, you would reach a point where the contour lines form a closed circle, known as a peak or summit. The highest point in your city would be located at this peak.

Therefore, to determine the highest point in your city, you would need a topographic map that shows the elevation and contour lines of the area.