how do you use a table to find a solution to

4m - 5 = 11


To use a table to find a solution to the equation 4m - 5 = 11, you can create a table with two columns: one column for the value of 'm' and another column for the corresponding value of 4m - 5.

Start by selecting a range of values for 'm'. For simplicity, let's assume 'm' can take on integer values from -5 to 5.

Now, write down the values of 'm' in the left column and substitute each value of 'm' into the equation 4m - 5 = 11 to find the corresponding value of 4m - 5.

Here's an example table:

| 'm' | 4m - 5 |
| -5 | -25 |
| -4 | -21 |
| -3 | -17 |
| -2 | -13 |
| -1 | -9 |
| 0 | -5 |
| 1 | -1 |
| 2 | 3 |
| 3 | 7 |
| 4 | 11 |
| 5 | 15 |

By examining the second column of the table, 4m - 5, you can identify that when 'm' is equal to 4, the equation is satisfied since 4m - 5 evaluates to 11. Therefore, the solution to the equation 4m - 5 = 11 is m = 4.